(2/3) Idea on platform business, and profit model (business model) of Kakao Talk - English ver

Idea on platform business, and profit model (business model) of Kakao Talk' (2/3)

Category: <Business>

Kakao is now going through difficult times due to its deficient profit. The major obstacle, in my view, is lack of ‘web based service’ which take the largest share of online services. There is no doubt that Kakao Talk is the most dominant standard of online messaging application in Korea. Kakao is expanding its services on the dominant platform and user base. However, Kakao as a platform is little bit different from other platform businesses (which earns huge and constant profit) in business perspective. 

1.   How does Kakao make money?

High dependency on contents revenue

How does Kakao make money? Does it generate immense profit via advertisement like Facebook or Google? Ad revenue is taking quite high portion, but not the most. Recent revenue of Kakao is highly dependent on ‘contents’ related revenue. From the quarterly report and financial statement of Kakao (from 2016 4Q to 2017 2Q) content revenue have maintained its highest share from the entire revenue. Ad revenue have been approximately 30 per cent, while contents revenue including games, music, emoji, web-comics and web-novel have reached 50 per cent of entire revenue.

(Source of Image: 2017 2Q Kakao report)

I believe, for the platform businesses like Kakao, depending too much on contents rather than service itself accompanies substantial risk factors. At the very beginning Kakao have established its platform and customer base as a ‘1 on 1 mobile messenger’ service, and contents like games or music have been subsidiary business model followed up by their major service. Therefore, there exist limitation of collating and retaining large customer base based on contents for Kakao. ‘Kakao games’ had successfully made series of hits(With games like Ani-Pang) in their early days (2014 ~2015), but the fever generated by their games did not last long. Since most of the Korean population use Kakao Talk (and have Kakao account) Kakao could effectively collate game users by going viral. However, at some point many people starts to recognize themselves not playing games installed on their smartphone as frequently as before, and last access of their friends who used to play together had been quite long ago. Slowly people start to exit from the game, and delete it. They are not the customers of the game –or contents – but they had been (and continue to be) customers of ‘Kakao Talk’. They didn’t join Kakao to play games. They are the customers who used to be Kakao Talk users who ride on the tide. When Kakao aggressively go through contents business, they would collate many users, but those users are customers of ‘Kakao Talk’, not the contents itself. Sooner the fever alleviates, easier the users leave.

Amazon, which is expanding its business from online bookstore to commerce, logistics, and even big data utilizing cutting edge services give large share of revenue to ‘contents’ too. However, the case is quite different. Amazon maintains customer base who goes to Amazon for contents itself. In the red-ocean of smart devices Amazon have pioneered e-book market. Many people use Amazon service to buy e-book contents. Customers who purchase relatively cheap Amazon digital contents devices also consume Amazon digital contents through online channels like ‘Amazon prime movie’. They are not derivatives of Amazon customer, but customers for ‘Amazon contents’.

In conclusion, since Kakao customer based have been established on its ‘service’, high dependency on contents bears risk of merely creating weakly-tied ephemeral customers – which is contrasted to holding customers tight by providing service. Kakao need more sustainable source of profit.

Is Kakao’s profit sufficient right now?

Putting component shares of revenue aside, is Kakao’s aggregate revenue and profit sufficient? No. Kakao service succeeded infiltrating into our life like Naver, Faceook, and Google, but in perspective of profit Kakao is far inferior to others. When we compare Kakao’s business revenue and profit with those of Naver (who’s the largest in-frontier competitor of Kakao) it becomes clearer.  

[2017 1Q
Kakao: 440, Naver: 1,100 (Billions)
Kakao: 38.0, Naver: 290 (Billions)

2017 2Q
Kakao: 470, Naver: 1,100 (Billions)
Kakao: 44.6, Naver: 285 (Billions)]

Reference: Annual report of Kakao/Naver

High PER value (Price - Earning Ratio value; High PER value indicates the price of stock is over-evaluated considering earning of the company. However, this value is significantly considerable for Korean companies) of Kakao shares is one of the factor rousing criticism that expected momentum of the company is overestimated. In case of IT platform businesses, since it is common for high expectation toward 4th industrial revolution or Google effect to push stock prices up to the sky while the business itself encounters the difficulty of establishing profit model, high PER value is not abnormal. However, considering average PER value of IT platform business in Korea roams around 50, I believe ‘160 PER value’ definitely implicates that Kakao is not making enough profit to push itself forward.

2.   Other platform businesses

So then, how are other platform businesses making money? Let’s look through the example of Google, No.1 platform business in the current era.


Google started its business as a search engine. At the very initial stage, the range of services it provided was not broad as it is now. It provided search engine, email, and all the other functions that we could find out from other web engines. When google first entered Korea, Naver was still dominating local search engine market. However, through ceaseless acquisition of various businesses it started to widen its range of services - Android mobile, Youtube video, google docs and drives, etc - as well as dominance in online market. Google is now a Behemoth in online market.

Google’s continuous expansion of business area and products through M&A is not so far from what Kakao have also been doing. However, the crucial point which pushed Google far away from the deadlock which Kakao is now situated, between the innovation and sufficient profit generation, is in the very nature of the service. The nature of Google is no.1 global search engine – not an online SNS messenger, not a video contents provider, not a mobile product producer. Google’s dominant business model to generate profit is advertisement. Google does not create and sell contents (though they produce product), but they provide cyber venue to display ads to their clients, and show personalized advertisements to customers.

Google arms itself with splendid search engine and database. When we get cold, we go to Google, search on keywords such as ‘flue’, ‘influenza’, ‘infection’. If I am interested in a candidate for president election, I search information on the candidate. Google is one of the pioneers of data who recognized keywords and search results from everyday life of every people could be a huge database projecting people’s patterns of behavior. As keywords search results accumulated, Google search create database which shows past, present and future. Google designed its own database management system – GFS (Google File System – to efficiently collect and manage myriad of data. Also they started to analyze correlation of linked pages and keyword search, and finally come up with its ‘Page Rank’ search system. Now Google can selectively show you the most relevant search result which you have been looking for among tons of data flow within cyberspace, because Google knows what you are looking for based on analysis of your search pattern and Google database.  Google, who knows what you want and are looking for, manipulates only the advertisement you might be interested to reach you. After searching on 2017 autumn coat trend for a while, you recognize an advertisement of a coat that blows your mind at the edge of your web page.

Advertisement revenue of Google who has now dominated most of the internet service area through M&A is tremendous. Google ‘AdSense’ even created an algorithm to distribute Ad revenue to the publisher of the web page or contents which display the Ad. It induces more and more users of Google blog or Youtube to display Ads on their contents, thereby making Google more attractive advertisement agency.

Today, based on its search engine, web services and tremendous database Google is on a lead of 4th industrial revolution. And revenue from advertisement has become a *cash cow of Google, bringing tremendous profit and source of finance to re-invent in innovation.

[Google Ad revenue (2015): Over $51 billion. Growth rate stumbled for a while due to massive immigration from desktop search to smartphone search, but overall Google Ad revenue is still growing.]

*Cash cow: From BCG matrics, cash cow refers to a business with high market share and revenue, so it brings enough finance for re-investment, but market growth is comparably low. In this article I used the term to emphasize high market share and revenue of Google Ads, not low market growth.

Facebook – Not all SNS make the same revenue


I also want to give a careful look on Facebook. Facebook also generate 85% of its revenue from advertisement (2016). According to report from Dazeinfo, an IT and technology magazine, 2017 Facebook have become the top ad revenue generating company leaving Google behind itself. However, Facebook is a SNS service like Kakao talk, not a search engine like Google.

However there exist a big discrepancy between Kakao and Facebook in terms of data flow. In Facebook, which is web based SNS service myriad of information on its user flow. Everyone can instantly share and post information and ideas. If you are willing to pay only a little amount the user could spread his/her post so it could reach out more and more (targeted) people. People reveal their interest by sharing post, commenting, and clicking ‘like’ button. The flow of data within Facebook is concatenated with profile of individuals and their interests. Facebook is armed with a database, which is based on individual’s interest + network.

While Google provides individualized keyword based advertisement, Facebook provides ‘targeted advertisement’ based on their analysis of emotion, interest, and ‘likes’ of users. Personal user data (including all the activities, networks, and interests of individual) of Facebook creates product ecosystem, thereby displaying Ads of right products and services to right people – who are highly likely purchase the product or service, or at least interested in, so they become potential 2nd advertiser by sharing or ‘liking’ the ad. A person may form a network with people sharing similar interest, and like dominos advertisement within Facebook go viral

Facebook also provide ‘Facebook Business’ service, by utilizing its advantage of networking. Everyone could display one’s own Ad by paying fee and designating appropriate target.

3.   Lesson from Naver: why web infrastructure is important, and risky sticking to messaging service

Look what Google and Facebook have. AdSense of Google provide individualized advertisement, observing behavior right beside users, tracking down their every single footstep. ‘Search of information’ is highly likely to lead consumption (Imagine any moments you searching for something you are interested in, and end up deciding to buy them). Also, most of the consumptions (or consumption plans) nowadays lead to search of information (you look for reviews and detail online before you buy nearly any stuffs). Facebook is not merely a SNS to communicate with your acquaintances, but a square where interest and taste of everyone flows and linked. Everyone stack human connection (network), relationship, interest, and even contents on their own ground – ‘Facebook profile’. Interest lead to consumption, and any attempts, impulses, to consume, or even a click of ‘like’ is reflected on Facebook Feed. So, what do they have? They have ‘web’

Thinking of revenue (especially from advertisement), we could find out expansion of web-based service has a great advantage. I’m not talking about a banal discussion of ‘Either web or app’. The important thing is capability to track down user behavioral data which could lead to consumption and profit generation. In general, web based services have much broader range of capability to project individual’s behavior.

Unfortunately, Kakao is deficient in expansion of web based service area. Since ‘Kakao Talk’ is 1:1 messenger service, the service itself is not ‘open’. It’s only communicative within the participants of messaging, and not much data or information flows. ‘Kakao Story’ was an attempt to create an Agora in which user information flows based on ‘Kakao ID’ but it didn’t make a hit. Its market share based on number of users in Korea shows quite high ratio, but the net usage share (which only take times application used after joining the service) is far beyond Facebook. Also, dominant user base of Kakao Story is formed by 30s ~ 50s, while Facebook is taking 91% and 88% of shares within teenagers and 20s.

Kakao have acquired web portal ‘Daum’, but web service market share of Daum is far behind Naver. Even Google, who was a late starter in Korean web service market overwhelmed Daum by recording 37% market share on 2015.
Since database accumulation and customer base (or market share) is especially significant in web services, if there exists far dominant ‘standard’ in the market it is nearly impossible to change the flow and achieve dominance.

* Data collection & analysis method differs depending on research institutions, so the result on market share varies. The research I cited is the one which yielded highest value in Google’s share.

‘Kakao Pay’ was one of the pioneers in mobile payment market, and Naver Pay was fast follower. However, in 2016 (only 1 years after Naver Pay had launched) Naver Pay overwhelmed the market, by becoming top mobile payment services both in terms of number of users and the volume of business. This was because Naver, the largest web portal in Korea has advantage as an online shopping service platform. Naver which has established stable web infrastructure over time is an attractive platform for countless business holders who are looking for distribution and advertisement channel. This brings Naver huge advertisement revenue along with additive revenues as commission per transaction (times numerous users).

It is interesting to look at annual report of Naver to find out how they are making money. The precedent of Naver LINE messenger, ‘Naver Talk’ quickly shifted its direction to global market as Korean messenger service market was dominated by Kakao Talk. It established a subsidiary company in Japan, and burgeoned by dominating messenger service market of East Asia. Like what Kakao is doing in Korea, they are expanding services in payment, mobility, and even in contents.

Revenue from contents is taking significant part of LINE corporation (though not as much as Kakao), but it’s earning way much more than Kakao. This is because LINE brings many of exclusive contents so they gather consumers of ‘contents’ (not providing contents to platform users, as I mentioned above.) Naver Webtoon, for example has become one of the momentum of Korean wave, and Naver LINE is the exclusive distribution channel of the contents. Unlike Kakao, contents revenue of LINE is a cash cow.

Other than contents revenue, Naver’s mainstream source of revenue is business platform service. With two core products - CPC (Cost Per Click) which generate commission per click and CPS (Click Per Sale) which generate commission per transaction – Naver has established business platform within web portal. Myriad of online business owners are willing to expose themselves through Naver portal, and myriad of consumers are exposed to advertisement and purchase products through Naver portal. CPC/CPS revenue takes 50% of entire revenue of the corporation, but cost of running the business is comparatively low.

4.   O2O business’ dilemma – Empty pocket of an innovator

There is a field of business which Kakao have consistently and significantly poured its endeavor, and have comparative advantage than other web service providers – O2O (Online to Offline) business. Even though internet technology dominates our future and online replace many of our offline processes, we still live in offline world. Therefore, endpoints of many services are still located ‘offline’, and O2O business which connect between online procedures to offline endpoint of users is center of the innovation. Services like Kakao Taxi, Kakao Pay, Kakao reservation system (for barber shop), or Kakao bank are part of them. Google or Amazon are also utilizing their platform to provide services linking our offline and online procedures.

However, the largest obstacle of O2O platform business is that revenue generated by the service itself is meager. Kakao have succeeded stretching first step of changing our lifestyle and provide convenience, so they were planning to expand O2O services. However, in 2017 due to profit deficiency they announced that Kakao O2O business would be reduces. While most of O2O services are provided free – in perspective of consumer – O2O market have become red ocean, increasing marketing cost of service providers. Companies like Google are still secure though, since they have a cash cow. In contrast, Kakao is an innovator with empty pocket.

Then, should Kakao reduce O2O business and only concentrate on its other platform businesses? I believe not. Why would Kakao give steppingstone of online to offline platform it has built to others, if it is owner of the messenger which 80% of South Korean population use every day? In spite of deficient profit Kakao have shown innovation, and momentum to change our lifestyle. So what should Kakao do?

I would like to suggest two directions. First – actively merge Daum with Kakao services and expand web based service, so that Daum and Kakao would not only share its ‘companyhood’, but synchronize entire services throughout app and web. Their next move would be to maximize advertisement/business related revenue, fill their pocket and step forward as an innovator. Second, go for O4O (Onliee for Offline) over O2O and design method to generate profit.

Through next post, I would like to elaborate more on my two suggestions. In addition, I would like to talk more about O4O and Amazon.


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Big data, changes management (빅데이터, 경영을 바꾸다)
Author: Chae Seung Byung, Ham Yoo Geun

About Kakao and Naver:
Declining revenue of Kakao Games
Kakao reports 2016 4th qrt~2017 2nd qrt
Naver report 2017 1st qrt ~ 3rd qrt
Market share of mobile payment

Modification of Kakao O2O strategy

Naver LINE - dominate Asia market
LINE revenue - Japan

About Google:
Core technologies which formed Google
Core competency of Google
Google app dominace
Google and Ad revenue

About Facebook:
2017, Facebook Ad revenue exceed Google's

Social media market share in Korea
2016 NPR report - SNS market share in Korea
Korean portal market share


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